Often, the news is depressing. These days, with technology all around us, it’s impossible to avoid. We hear stories of climate change, poverty, war, and violence. So, it’s only natural that we sometimes feel depressed after seeing or reading the news.

All that stuff is important and we can’t ignore things going on in the world. But, there are times when we all just need a bit of good news to brighten the day.

Sure, bad things are going on in the world. But there are also a lot of wonderful things happening. Some of them are so big, they’re changes and improving lives. Others are small, and in fact, many people might even say they’re unimportant. But we know that to certain individuals, those seemingly insignificant actions mean a lot.

The late, great Fred Rogers used to say, “Look for the helpers.” Those are the people who lend a hand during times of tragedy. For people find themselves in terrible situations — those are the ones who know they can help. Mr. Rogers said there are always helpers, no matter how bad the situation.

Here are 70 wholesome pictures of helpers and others who make the world a better place.