Acts of Kindness
Kindhearted dog befriends young boy with down syndrome
Himalaya wanted Hernan to hug her, and she wouldn't leave until he did.
Rachel Shapiro

Dogs are truly incredible when it comes to sensing their loved one’s emotions and needs. Whenever they sense that someone is feeling sad or uncomfortable, they’ll be right there to help them.

This can very often be seen with kids and dogs. If a baby or toddler is crying or distressed, the dog will help.

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Facebook Video Screenshot

Having a pet around is a great way for kids to learn to be compassionate towards animals from a very young age.

Having an animal around the house is a great lesson not only in compassion but in responsibility and empathy.

When Ana Marta Vegas, a mom in Buenos Aires, saw that her son Hernan was having a learning moment with the family dog, Himalaya, she knew that she had to capture the moment to cherish it later in life.

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Facebook Video Screenshot

Hernan has special needs, so he will have more hurdles in life than most of his peers. Moments like this one, when he is able to express his feelings, are crucial!

It’s also so amazing that Himalaya is so gentle with the toddler. It’s clear that she just wants to connect with him and to show him that she loves him just as much as everyone else. She must have sensed a little tension in Herman, but that only made her all the more persistent.

With her tail wagging the whole time, the labrador reaches her paw out towards Hernan as if to say, “hey, it’s ok!”

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Hernan seems a bit hesitant, sometimes scooching away, but his mom is just a few feet away watching closely.

She knows that he needs these learning moments in order to grow up into a strong young man. It takes a lot of persistence, but Himalaya finally gets the hug that she’d been hoping for. It’s such a beautiful sight to see.

It’s a pure moment of love and joy for both Hernan and Himalaya.

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Facebook Video Screenshot

The comments on the Facebook video are all so encouraging. One, in particular, roughly translated from Spanish, is very special.

“I am a teacher, and that video came to me for art and magic of the Holy Spirit. For a lesson in empathy, persistence, and unconditional love, I put your video on for the students and we were discussing that beautiful relationship. God knows how to choose special parents and I admire you.”

It is such a wonderful example of unconditional love.

Other comments poured in, saying things like, “What a wonderful thing they are! They are pure amor,” “Beautiful and moving,” and “These are the things that are priceless!”

Hernan is one lucky boy to have a family that loves him so much, and that includes Himalaya.

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Facebook Video Screenshot

Hernan and Himalaya are a wonderful pair who clearly understand each other and love each other so much. It’s beautiful to watch Himalaya help Hernan come out of his shell.

Check out the video below!

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Source: Facebook
