Mom Stuck In Sweats Pulls Off Fabulous Makeover At Home With Experts’ Help
She looks incredible at the end and didn't even hit up the salon.
Cedric Jackson

What woman wouldn’t want a professional makeover? You see them all the time on internet videos and the before and after photos are shocking … in a good way. But due to the pandemic, it’s become a little more challenging to go somewhere for a transformation.

The king of makeovers

Probably the person known the best for transforming the way women look is Christopher Hopkins, otherwise known as The Makeover Guy. But trying to get to his studio is no easy task. Again, it’s especially hard with so many restrictions because of the pandemic.

This one was a life changer. We got such a lovely thank you note.

Posted by MAKEOVERGUY on Wednesday, October 14, 2020

There’s also a queen

Hopkins might be the king of makeovers but there’s also a queen, Rachael Ray. Not only does she have an amazing cooking show but she’s also known for doing surprise transformations. Well, one lady named Lisa desperately wanted to change her looks but unable to leave her house, Rachael came up with a fantastic idea.

YouTube - Rachael Ray Show
YouTube - Rachael Ray Show

Rachael Ray to the rescue

After learning of this lady’s plight to change her appearance, Rachael and her team decided to help her. But that meant getting creative. So, they did something that we’re not sure has ever been done before, which included going above and beyond the norm.

YouTube - Rachael Ray Show
YouTube - Rachael Ray Show

Do-it-yourself at-home makeover

That’s right, by providing Lisa with several high-end outfits and easy-to-follow instructions for doing her makeup, she was able to give herself a makeover, at home. While it wasn’t quite a typical day of pampering, it still yielded outstanding results. And best of all, this lady was thrilled with the outcome.

YouTube - Rachael Ray Show
YouTube - Rachael Ray Show

A tough year

Along with everything going on in the world, Lisa and her husband had cared for her elderly mother for the past four and a half years. Sadly, she passed away at the age of 95. That’s when the two of them decided to move to Florida for a new start.

YouTube - Rachael Ray Show
YouTube - Rachael Ray Show

Time to reflect

She stated that after her mother passed away and with her two daughters now grown, she began to reflect on her life, in particular, herself. That’s when she realized her style was out of date. In her video, she even gives viewers a glimpse into her overcrowded closet filled with things she should’ve tossed out years ago.

YouTube - Rachael Ray Show
YouTube - Rachael Ray Show

A personalized package

After sending her video to Rachael Ray, it didn’t take long to receive an unexpected gift. First, she received clothes and shoes, as well as a box full of amazing cosmetics. Included was a personal note that read, “Lisa, you’re beautiful.”

YouTube - Rachael Ray Show
YouTube - Rachael Ray Show

Things got even better

Rachael scheduled an online tutorial with one of her top makeup artists to walk Lisa through the process of applying makeup. Step by step, she followed along. This allowed her to make an immediate change but also the knowledge to achieve the same great look over and over again.

YouTube - Rachael Ray Show
YouTube - Rachael Ray Show

Simply stunning

When it came time to do her hair, her daughters stepped in to take charge. With everything complete, Lisa didn’t even look like the same person. The transformation was so dramatic that Rachael and her entire team were blown away.

YouTube - Rachael Ray Show
YouTube - Rachael Ray Show

Press play below to see the stunning results of this DIY makeover for yourself!

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Source: Rachael Ray Show, Facebook/Rachel Ray Show
