Acts of Kindness
Preschool Twins Have Different Skin Colors But Share Soul
We can all learn a thing or two from these two 'twins'
Cedric Jackson

Jia Sarnicola and Zuri Copeland may only be in preschool, but they know that they are going to be best friends forever. In fact, they consider themselves more than friends; they say they are sisters. In fact, they even consider themselves twins.

Their friendship is pretty impressive, and their moms are happy that the girls have each other.

They have enjoyed watching their girls get to know each other and play together. They instantly clicked and have been inseparable ever since. They hope they continue to share such a close bond and are thankful for their friendship.

Jia’s mother, Ashley, said:

“They will tell you that they are twins, and they have a long list of reasons why to back it up.”

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YouTube Screenshot

The girls say that they look alike, act alike, enjoy the same things, and even like to match outfits.

Therefore, they must be twins. Neither sees the other as different, and their mothers are happy for their innocence and love for each other. They hope their closeness will last throughout their lifetimes.

Zuri’s mother, Valencia, said:

“You know, you’re happy for a few seconds, and then you become sad because they have to grow up, and then society takes over.”

Southern Living
Southern Living

The girls have already got a taste of how mean society can be.

The girls were attending a birthday party when an older kid told them they can’t be twins because they have different color skin. The girls handled it well, though. Jia cried but also had a rebuttal prepared.

According to her mother, Jia said:

“You don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re twins because we share the same soul.”

Ashley said: “I just get chill bumps.”

Valencia added: “I was just thrown by just that word.”

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CBS News

The moms say that they are learning a lot from their daughters, and even if the girls don’t realize it, they are leading a good example for the world.

With so many people focused on race and differences, it’s nice to see that two little girls know what is important and understand how much alike they are on the inside.

Valencia continued:

“We have a lot to learn, and we can learn from children.”

If these little girls can handle people who are pressuring them to change or trying to pick their relationship apart, why can’t everyone else? It’s a lot easier to love than hate. Jia’s and Zuri’s moms don’t know what the future holds for their girls, but if they have anything to do with it, they will always stay friends.

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CBS News

As they get older, they may make new friends and even argue and fight.

With a bond like they have now, they likely won’t stay mad at each other for long. They will always have their moms to remind them of how they thought they were twins and, of course, all the fun memories they share together.

We live in a world that is often more focused on how people are different instead of how much they are alike. This is the root of most wars and political problems. If we could all see that past our differences and focus on all the things we have in common, the world might not be so violent.

Hopefully, Zuri and Jia inspire more kids and adults to make lasting friendships that aren’t based on race or other stereotypical similarities. Everyone is different, but we are all human, and we have a lot more in common than most people care to understand.

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