Adorable Southern Boy Gives Grandpa Driving Directions
Not only is his accent too adorable, his “directions” are a crack up.
Colby Maxwell

Language and accents are some of the most interesting things in the world. The fact that people can tell what part of the world you grew up in simply because of the way you pronounce “aluminum” is quite funny. For some, accents are just something that you never think about. For others, accents are a source of pride and a special form of communication.


The American South is special in regards to its accent.


One of the most noticeable and well-known accents in America is the Southern Accent. It is the subject of many romance movies with “country boys” and it has established itself with the likes of farmers, laborers, and other working-class people from the south. A “good ol’ southern boy” is sure to have one of these accents.

It can usually be identified from its special drawl.


What makes a Southern Accent unique is the shortening of many words and the way it drawls. For example, instead of saying “you all”, “y’all” works just fine. As someone who grew up in the south (and currently lives there), it is an endearing part of the culture.

One of the cutest things is this video of a little boy who has a thick southern accent.


For some people, their accents are so thick that others struggle to even understand them. It can be a particularly funny event when two people try to communicate with different histories and accents. For this one little boy, the act of simply explaining some directions has gotten the whole world laughing.

Titled “Giving Directions in Country”, this kid is hilarious.


“Country” is another word for someone who speaks with a Southern accent and this kid has a thick one! In his little green hat, he cuts the perfect image for a little country boy who runs around in the rain with boots on. When he starts talking, he completes the picture.

“I weent down ther’ last week”


The kid is named Jake Boone and the video opens up with a shot of him just rambling on for a while before he starts giving “directions”. While difficult to put into words and read, the way he speaks is comforting and cute, all at the same time.

Some people may need a translator for this deep south rural accent.


Growing up the south is one way to understand what the boy is saying and luckily, I have done that. When the man (probably his dad) asks Jake how to get to Briar Creek, little Jake launches into a full explanation of how to get there – only in his own country style.

The directions are complicated even more by the fact that Jake is a little kid!


It can be tough to understand a deep southern accent, let alone a little kid with one! He starts the directions off by saying (translated):

“You turn on the left and go right straight to Brar Creek. Then you get on the six-mile road and then you turn back on the one mile. You know, uh, Briar Creek Road, turn onto the six-mile and go back to where you were at. Then you go on one mile, to this mile, then you go back. “

While I love listening to Jake talk, I wouldn’t rely on him for directions!


The mental map Jake has of his environment seems to be quite extensive! While we can’t fault little Jake for his attempt to explain to us how to get to Briar Creek, we can thank him for a wonderful minute and a half where we got to listen to a hilarious story from a little kid with a southern accent.


Check out the adorable video of Jake below!

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